The MEMS Shared Instrument Group is proud to be a resource available to researchers across the Washington University community. Here you will find a sampling of publications in which data was acquired using systems in MEMS SIG.

  • Li, Q., Lim, Y. M., Flores, K. M., Kranjc, K., & Jun, Y. S. (2015). Chemical reactions of portland cement with aqueous CO2 and their impacts on cement’s mechanical properties under geologic CO2 sequestration conditions. Environmental science & technology49(10), 6335-6343.

  • Simmons, D. W., Schuftan, D. R., Ramahdita, G., & Huebsch, N. (2023). Hydrogel-Assisted Double Molding Enables Rapid Replication of Stereolithographic 3D Prints for Engineered Tissue Design. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
  • Nosiglia, M. A., Colley, N. D., Danielson, M. K., Palmquist, M. S., Delawder, A. O., Tran, S. L., … & Barnes, J. C. (2022). Metalation/Demetalation as a Postgelation Strategy To Tune the Mechanical Properties of Catenane-Crosslinked Gels. Journal of the American Chemical Society144(22), 9990-9996.

  • Rohanifar, M., Johnston, B. B., Davis, A. L., Guang, Y., Nommensen, K., Fitzpatrick, J. A. J., Pham, C. N., & Setton, L. A. (2022). Hydraulic permeability and compressive properties of porcine and human synovium. Biophysical journal121(4), 575–581.
  • Tan, X., Jain, E., Barcellona, M. N., Morris, E., Neal, S., Gupta, M. C., … & Huebsch, N. (2021). Integrin and syndecan binding peptide-conjugated alginate hydrogel for modulation of nucleus pulposus cell phenotype. Biomaterials277, 121113.
HR-20 Rheometer
  • Eckstein, K. N., Yoon, D., Ruding, M., Balouchzadeh, R., Thompson‐Mazzeo, A., Okamoto, R. J., … & Bayly, P. V. (2024). Mechanically anisotropic phantoms for magnetic resonance elastography. Magnetic resonance in medicine.
  • Yoon, D., Eckstein, K. N., Ruding, M., & Bayly, P. V. (2024). Structural Tuning of Anisotropic Mechanical Properties in 3D-Printed Hydrogel Lattices. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 106625. 
  • Yoon, D., Ruding, M., Guertler, C. A., Okamoto, R. J., & Bayly, P. V. (2023). Design and characterization of 3-D printed hydrogel lattices with anisotropic mechanical properties. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials138, 105652.

  • Goestenkors, A. P., Liu, T., Okafor, S. S., Semar, B. A., Alvarez, R. M., Montgomery, S. K., … & Rutz, A. L. (2023). Manipulation of cross-linking in PEDOT: PSS hydrogels for biointerfacing. Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
  • Walter, C., Balouchzadeh, R., Garcia, K. E., Kroenke, C. D., Pathak, A., & Bayly, P. V. (2023). Multi-scale measurement of stiffness in the developing ferret brain. Scientific Reports13(1), 20583.
  • Schuftan, D., Kooh, Y. K. G., Guo, J., Sun, Y., Aryan, L., Stottlemire, B., … & Huebsch, N. (2023). Dynamic control of contractile resistance to iPSC‐derived micro‐heart muscle arrays. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A.
  • Rohanifar, M., Johnston, B. B., Davis, A. L., Guang, Y., Nommensen, K., Fitzpatrick, J. A. J., Pham, C. N., & Setton, L. A. (2022). Hydraulic permeability and compressive properties of porcine and human synovium. Biophysical journal121(4), 575–581.
LSM-880 Confocal Microscope
  • Sun, J., & Weisensee, P. B. (2023). Marangoni-induced reversal of meniscus-climbing microdroplets. Soft Matter19(4), 625-633.

  • Krull, C. M., Li, H., & Pathak, A. (2023). Nuclear export inhibition jumbles epithelial–mesenchymal states and gives rise to migratory disorder in healthy epithelia. Elife12, e81048.
  • Walter, C., Mathur, J., & Pathak, A. (2023). Reciprocal intra-and extra-cellular polarity enables deep mechanosensing through layered matrices. Cell Reports42(4)
  • Zmuda, H., & Pathak, A. (2023). Epithelial multicellular clustering enabled by polarized macrophages on soft matrices. bioRxiv, 2023-02.
  • Lee, Y. L., Mathur, J., Walter, C., Zmuda, H., & Pathak, A. (2023). Matrix obstructions cause multiscale disruption in collective epithelial migration by suppressing leader cell function. Molecular biology of the cell34(9), ar94.
  • Flick Jaecker, F., Almeida, J. A., Krull, C. M., & Pathak, A. (2022). Nucleoli in epithelial cell collectives respond to tumorigenic, spatial, and mechanical cues. Molecular biology of the cell33(11), br19.